Descargar Walkabout (Puffin Modern Classics) de James Vance Marshall PDF ePub

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Walkabout (Puffin Modern Classics) de James Vance Marshall

Descripción - Críticas 'Very tender, very touching, and sketched out with no sign of strain. The descriptions of the Australian bush are first-rate.' New Statesman 'A deeply-felt book, filled with information about desert flora and fauna.' Times Literary Supplement 'A small classic, pared down to the bare bones. many will not only enjoy it, but long remember it.' New York Times Mary and her young brother Peter are the only survivors of an aircrash in the middle of the Australian outback. Facing death from exhaustion and starvation, they meet an aboriginal boy who helps them to survive, and guides them along their long journey. But a terrible misunderstanding results in a tragedy that neither Mary nor Peter will ever forget . . . Biografía del autor James Vance Marshall is one of the pseudonyms of English writer Donald Payne. Walkabout was first published in 1959 and later made into a movie starring Jenny Agutter.

Detalles del Libro

Autor: James Vance Marshall
Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Lugares y culturas
Tapa blanda: 144 páginas
Editor: Puffin Classics (2 de abril de 2009)
Colección: Puffin Modern Classics
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 141325682
ISBN-13: 978-0141325682

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